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Background Xpos

I have a simple script which is meant to console.log the xpos of a div's background image but the console shows blank. This is what i have: var d = document //function to set the xpos of the movieclip function xpos(bar_length,mul) { hpos = 0; scroll_length = 420; incr = bar_length/scroll_length; xm = _xmouse; xpos ypos: The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. The top left corner is 0 0. Units can be pixels (0px 0px) or any other Contribute a better translation Картини; Slideshow; Чат; Изследване point. style. left = xPos; point. style. top = yPos + document. body. scrollTop;} else {point. style. left = xPos; point. style. top = yPos + window. pageYOffset ii seem tu hve a problem , ii fink i've lost my hart .. ii can' t seem tu find it ne where , it's lyk im searchin through de dark . ii was beginning tu panic ,

Background Xpos
Background Xpos

xpos ypos The HTML and CSS code example below shows you how to place a background image on a web page. I want to change button's background image y position with hover function. Is there a simple way of keeping xpos or should I get position first, split it and use

Background Xpos1
Background Xpos

(ypos/vH*100); //var x=Math.round(xpos/vW*100); var x=Math.round((xpos/vW*100 - 50)*15); jQuery(this).css({backgroundPosition: x+'% '+y+'%'}); jQuery('#x') .text var notstring = notifications.toString(); var xpos = 14; xpos -= (5 * notstring.length); //Draw background ctx.font = "15px sans-serif"; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;

Background Xpos2
Background Xpos

Background Xpos3
Background Xpos

Background Xpos4
Background Xpos

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Background Xpos

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Background Xpos

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Background Xpos

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Background Xpos

Background Xpos9
Background Xpos

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