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Background Youtube Dimensions

(READ DESCRIPTION) What's up, this tutorial is directed at everybody who likes to do graphics for your backgrounds its trigga2295 here again to bring you a Dimensions for a Background Gimp 2.8 Sorry about the bad graphics don't know what happened there but here are the axis's x-300,519,1479,1700 y-174 Background images are a good way to keep the appearance of your channel fresh and different. Since the amount of modules and content on your channel is configurable There are no best dimensions for background. However, many users prefer to use high resolutions like 2000 x 1500 pixels. The problem with lower resolutions is New Layout 2011/2012 Custom Background Tutorial . , How to make a custom Background using MS Paint. , What size should a OJTN Cruwz! Guys! We would really like having you with us! Contact us and help us, together we can be the BEST! //OJTN Cruwz

Background Youtube Dimensions
Background Youtube Dimensions

Partner Background Dimensions: PhobicBus: 10/26/11 5:50 PM: Hi, I'm a new partner and I would like to start working on my background. What are the dimensions for a background? Thanks!

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Background Youtube Dimensions

I want to make myself one, so when it comes out, Ill have one. What are the dimensions? What are the dimensions of a channel background? ChaCha Answer: The dimensions of a channel background is 960 pixels

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Background Youtube Dimensions

What is the dimensions of a channel background? ChaCha Answer: background images need to be under 256k in size. There How to Customize Channel Background Dimensions. How to Make a Professional Channel. How Can I Put a Theme Background on My Channel? Featured.

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Background Youtube Dimensions

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Background Youtube Dimensions

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Background Youtube Dimensions

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Background Youtube Dimensions

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Background Youtube Dimensions

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